Showing 1-12 of 112 lessons
2hrs 31mins
Exploring the themes of 2040 (US)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in and connect with the documentary film 2040. Students begin by clarifying the key terms used in the 2040 documentary. They then work in groups to investigate some of the challenges we face as identified in the documentary (including energy, transport, and food production). They work in groups to brainstorm solutions to these challenges and are then are invited to watch and reflect on the 2040 documentary film.
2hrs 57mins
Sustainable transport and scatterplots (US)
In this lesson, students will view excerpts from 2040 then access and evaluate statistical reports in the media and other places about sustainable transportation of the future, and they will use the data to construct scatter plots, make comparisons and draw conclusions.
2hrs 19mins
Girls for the planet (US)
In this lesson, students will investigate the environmental benefits that arise from empowering women and girls. They will access statistics about the education of women and represent this data using back-to-back stem and leaf plots and histograms.They will also undertake an action that will inform the school community about what they have learned or how they can support the empowerment and education of girls around the world.
2hrs 30mins
The seaweed solution (US)
In this lesson, students will access information about seaweed farming and greenhouse gas emissions and use percentages, ratios, and fractions to solve problems. Students will also investigate the relationship between seaweed farming, the health benefits of eating seaweed and climate change. They will use this information to develop an infographic that uses numbers to convince their peers to eat more seaweed.
Transport and liveability (US)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in, and connect with, the documentary film 2040, focusing on the topics of transport and liveability. Students reflect on their personal transport use before investigating liveability and the factors of liveability that are important to them - including how future transport could be designed to improve liveability.
1hr 40mins
Doughnut economics case studies (US)
In this lesson, students will revise features of the circular flow and Doughnut Economic models from the previous lesson, 2040 – Comparing Economic Models – Economics – Grades 8 – 12, before exploring a real-world example of Doughnut Economics in action. Students will have the opportunity to investigate one of the five solutions presented in the 2040 feature documentary.
Comparing economic models (US)
In this lesson, students will explore the traditional circular flow economic model and evaluate the factors of the economy that are not considered. Students will then explore an alternative framework, as examined in the film, 2040 – ‘Doughnut Economics’. They will evaluate the similarities and differences between the two models.
3hrs 30mins
Taking action for your 2040 (US)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in and connect with the documentary film 2040, focusing on actions they can take that have positive benefits both now and in the future. Students begin by looking at examples of young people who have taken action for the future through social and environmental projects. They then work as a class or in groups to choose a topic they are concerned about, and design, plan and implement a project to get the community involved in taking action on the topic.
1hr 10mins
Applying point of view (US)
In this lesson, students will connect with the film 2040 by exploring how choices in point of view and perspective impact upon a text. They will first examine a range of videos using changing points of view and identify the pros and cons of each approach. In watching these videos, students will also explore multimodal presentations of potential, imagined experiences in the year 2040. Using both the content and craft of these videos as inspiration, students will create narrative texts about their own, imagined versions of 2040.
1hr 15mins
The tone of climate change (US)
In this lesson, students explore the emotions that climate change evokes and examine the tones used in messaging around climate change. Students compare and contrast headlines and videos that use a range of tone. In doing so, students evaluate the effect that different tones have on the audience. Students then create their own messaging around climate change. Students use class data, through surveys, to find out which messaging was most effective.
Making persuasive speeches (US)
In this lesson, students will examine a persuasive text structure and apply it to the empowerment of women and girls. Students will be introduced to Monroe’s Motivational Sequence and will then create their own texts, utilising this structure, about the empowerment of women and girls.
Writing the future (US)
In this lesson, students will engage in solutions-focused thinking about the challenge of climate change. Students will engage with visions of 2040 through film clips and discussion. They will synthesise research with their own ideas to create a storyboard about their vision of 2040. This storyboard can be used to plan a variety of texts, depending upon your class priorities.