The land where I live: Flora and fauna explorations (7&8)
Engage your students with regeneration by teaching them about their local area.

2hrs 30mins
The importance of planting native plants
Engage students with native planting with an experiment to investigate water loss from different plants.

1hr 30mins
Regenerating Australia - Watching the film (5&6)
Inspire your students to explore ideas, solutions and stories to regenerate Australia.

Rachel's Farm for tertiary
Provide tertiary, Ag college and TAFE students with a valuable Australian case study that provides an entry into the principles of regenerative agriculture and the importance of biodiversity, soil health and our food system. This case study is a useful sample that can be investigated and applied to research assignments.

Rachel's Farm (Secondary years 7-12)
Rachel’s Farm offers an exciting opportunity to engage students in learning about solutions to climate change, the importance of biodiversity, soil health, regenerative agriculture, farming, health and our food system - and the links between them all!

1hr 10mins
Applying point of view
In this lesson, students will explore how choices in point of view and perspective impact upon a text.

1hr 15mins
The tone of climate change
In this lesson, students explore the emotions that climate change evokes and examine the tones used in messaging around climate change.

Making persuasive speeches
In this lesson, students will examine a persuasive text structure and apply it to the empowerment of women and girls.

Writing the future
In this lesson, students will engage in solutions-focused thinking about the challenge of climate change.

1hr 25mins
Empowering women and girls
In this lesson, students will explore the relationship between empowering women and girls and addressing climate change.

1hr 52mins
Understanding persuasion
In this lesson, students will be immersed in, and connect with 2040, focusing on how persuasion.

1hr 40mins
Doughnut economics case studies
In this lesson, students will revise features of the circular flow and Doughnut Economic models from the previous lesson (Comparing economic models) before exploring a real-world example of Doughnut Economics in action.