Writing the future (UK)
In this lesson, students will engage in solutions-focused thinking about the challenge of climate change.
1hr 25mins
Empowering women and girls (UK)
In this lesson, students will explore the relationship between empowering women and girls and addressing climate change.
1hr 35mins
Solutions to climate change (UK)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in, and connect with 2040, focusing on the topic of climate change. Students are introduced to this lesson by participating in a guided discussion around a clip from 2040. They then explore how actions for climate change can be categorised as either carbon reduction actions or carbon sequestration actions, before looking at examples of each from the 2040 documentary.
1hr 10mins
Exploring climate change
In this lesson, students will be immersed in, and connect with 2040, focusing on the topic of climate change.
1hr 38mins
Food security and urban farming (UK)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in, and connect with, the documentary film 2040, focusing on the topics of food security and urban agriculture. Students will explore the concept of food security by participating in a guided discussion around a food security video clip. They then explore the practice of urban farming as one solution to current and future food security challenges. Students will identify a potential site for an urban farm in their area, creating a proposal for this project to share with the class.
Food security (UK)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in, and connect with, the documentary film 2040, focusing on the topics of food security. Students begin this lesson by looking at a range of future foods and thinking about why these foods may be popular in the future before being introduced to the topic of food security. Students participate in a jigsaw activity to share their research on key factors relating to food security. They then work collaboratively to develop an idea for ensuring food security for their community into the future and present their ideas to the class.
2hrs 27mins
The seaweed solution (UK)
In this lesson, students will access information about seaweed farming and greenhouse gas emissions and use percentages, ratios, and fractions to solve problems. Students will also investigate the relationship between seaweed farming, the health benefits of eating seaweed and climate change. They will use this information to develop an infographic that uses numbers to convince their peers to eat more seaweed.
2hrs 20mins
Girls for the planet (UK)
In this lesson, students will investigate the environmental benefits that arise from empowering women and girls. They will access statistics about the education of women and represent this data using back-to-back stem and leaf plots and histograms. They will also undertake an action that will inform the school community about what they have learned or how they can support the empowerment and education of girls around the world.
4hrs 50mins
A 2040 vision for your community (UK)
This teaching resource is designed to guide students through a project where they will consolidate and extend learning from any of the other lessons in the 2040 units. It works in support of the curriculum points explored in those units. Social Action Lessons will have students taking what they have learned in previous lessons and engaging others to join The Regeneration.
2hrs 32mins
Exploring the themes of 2040 (UK)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in and connect with the documentary film 2040. Students begin by clarifying the key terms used in the 2040 documentary. They then work in groups to investigate some of the challenges for our future as identified in the documentary (including energy, transport, and food production). Students undertake research into their assigned challenge and then share their findings with the class. They then work in groups to brainstorm solutions to their challenge. Finally, students are invited to watch and reflect on the 2040 documentary film.
Tuning into the documentary (7-11, UK)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in and connect with the documentary film 2040 – it is a great lesson to conduct before watching the documentary in full.
2hrs 31mins
Exploring the themes of 2040 (US)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in and connect with the documentary film 2040. Students begin by clarifying the key terms used in the 2040 documentary. They then work in groups to investigate some of the challenges we face as identified in the documentary (including energy, transport, and food production). They work in groups to brainstorm solutions to these challenges and are then are invited to watch and reflect on the 2040 documentary film.
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