Regenerating Australia
What would Australia look like in 2030 if we simply listened to the needs of its people? Regenerating Australia is the latest film from Damon Gameau, the award-winning director of 2040 and That Sugar Film.

Lessons featured in the film

1hr 30mins
Regenerating Australia - Watching the film (5&6)
Inspire your students to explore ideas, solutions and stories to regenerate Australia.

1hr 30mins
Regenerating Australia - Watching the film (7&8)
Inspire your students to explore ideas, solutions and stories to regenerate Australia.

1hr 30mins
Regenerating Australia - Watching the film (9&10)
Inspire your students to explore ideas, solutions and stories to regenerate Australia.

2hrs 30mins
The land where I live: Flora and fauna explorations (5&6)
Engage your students by teaching them about the land on which their school or home is located.

2hrs 30mins
The importance of planting native plants
Engage students with native planting with an experiment to investigate water loss from different plants.

1hr 35mins
Regenerate your community
Engage your students in critical thinking by making regenerative plans for their local community.

The land where I live: Flora and fauna explorations (7&8)
Engage your students with regeneration by teaching them about their local area.

2hrs 20mins
Regenerating democracy
Engage your students with ideas around how to rejuvenate Australia’s democracy.

Regenerate a space challenge
Engage your students with regeneration and sustainability by designing the retrofit of a room.

Film and production analysis
Engage your students in the film production process by watching a video with the director of Regenerating Australia, Damon Gameau.

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