1hr 30mins
The Oyster Gardener Geography (Primary)
Students will explore why water environments so important to people and this influences how they are managed. Invite your students to consider local environments that are important to themselves and compare them with Jolie’s experiences in the film.
2hrs 30mins
The importance of planting native plants
Engage students with native planting with an experiment to investigate water loss from different plants.
2hrs 30mins
The land where I live: Flora and fauna explorations (5&6)
Engage your students by teaching them about the land on which their school or home is located.
1hr 30mins
Regenerating Australia - Watching the film (5&6)
Inspire your students to explore ideas, solutions and stories to regenerate Australia.
1hr 4mins
Reducing our carbon footprint (UK)
In this lesson, students will investigate the measurement of CO2 as outputs per individual and household, in terms of kilograms of CO2 per annum. They will examine the carbon footprint of average Australians in comparison to the world average and to countries such as Bangladesh, as featured in a clip from 2040. Students will then engage in some mathematical problem solving by seeking to maximise their ‘household’ carbon savings given a set of constraints. This lesson can be used by students to extend on learning covered in 2040 – The Maths of Carbon – 5 & 6.
1hr 3mins
Talking about transport (UK)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in and connect with the documentary film 2040, focusing on the topic of transport. Students interview their peers about why we use transport and then look at what types of transport might be available in the future. Working in groups, they brainstorm ideas for future sustainable transport options. Students select one idea to develop and create an annotated sketch of this idea to share with the class through a gallery walk.
1hr 40mins
Finding out about food (UK)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in and connect with the documentary film 2040, focusing on the topic of food. Students begin by thinking about where our food comes from, and then work in groups to explore some of the big issues relating to food, including waste, packaging, transport, farming, and healthy eating. Students undertake research into a big issue and then explore some of the solutions to these big issues, sharing what they have learnt through a presentation.
3hrs 30mins
Taking action for your 2040 (UK)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in and connect with the documentary film 2040, focusing on actions they can take that have positive benefits both now and in the future. Students look at examples of young people who have taken action through social and environmental projects. They then choose a topic they are concerned about, and design, plan and implement a project to get their community involved in taking action on the topic. Social Action Lessons will have students taking what they have learned in previous lessons and engaging others to join The Regeneration.
1hr 5mins
The maths of carbon
In this lesson, students will view a clip from 2040 and examine data related to CO2 in the atmosphere.
2hrs 30mins
The seaweed solution (US)
In this lesson, students will access information about seaweed farming and greenhouse gas emissions and use percentages, ratios, and fractions to solve problems. Students will also investigate the relationship between seaweed farming, the health benefits of eating seaweed and climate change. They will use this information to develop an infographic that uses numbers to convince their peers to eat more seaweed.
3hrs 30mins
Taking action for your 2040 (US)
In this lesson, students will be immersed in and connect with the documentary film 2040, focusing on actions they can take that have positive benefits both now and in the future. Students begin by looking at examples of young people who have taken action for the future through social and environmental projects. They then work as a class or in groups to choose a topic they are concerned about, and design, plan and implement a project to get the community involved in taking action on the topic.
1hr 5mins
Reducing our carbon footprint
In this lesson, students will investigate the measurement of CO2 as outputs per individual and household, in terms of kilograms of CO2 per annum.
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